4 Conversation Starters for Talking about Home Care Options

Br-r-r! The recent bluster of Iowa’s wintery cold, snow and ice make us look at care and safety issues for ourselves and those in our care. Home care options offer safe alternatives to being out and about in nasty weather, navigating icy parking lots and risking health and well-being.

Deciding how to best care for yourself, or an ill or incapacitated loved one, can be difficult. For the thousands of people who find themselves in the sandwich generation, caring for their own children and aging loved ones at the same time, knowing that other options are available can make a big difference in stress levels.

The following conversation starters can help you start the discussion about how home care could benefit your mom or dad — and you.

       I know you don't want to leave your home.
Assisted living communities and nursing homes aren't the only options anymore. Getting help from a qualified, nationally certified home care agency, like EveryStep, means you can stay in your home, but still get the assistance you need.

       I understand you need time to get used to the idea.
Let’s talk about home care now, while you can choose an agency you like.  We can prevent a lot of uncertainty later when things get harder.

       I can't always be here exactly when you need me.
Home care can match your schedule. If you need someone to come over three times a day for glucose testing or to manage wound care, home care can be tailored to give you what you need — when you need it.

       I understand you have concerns about safety and privacy.
It might feel scary to let an unfamiliar person into the home. But, EveryStep is accredited by CHAP (Community Health Accreditation Partner) and meet stringent criteria to protect patients and their belongings. We can meet with the staff to make sure everyone feels comfortable. The people who will come into your home to help you have specialized training and will offer you the same respect as they would provide in a hospital or nursing home setting.


Need help for yourself or someone in your care? For more information, call us at (855) 867-4692 or click here for more about home care options. We provide expert home health care in 16 counties. Our staff provide a wide range of services to help people maintain independence in their homes as they cope with chronic conditions or recover from injury or illness.

EveryStep Care & Support Services 
provides care and support to patients, family members and their caregivers through chronic or serious illness, recovery or rehabilitation. Our experienced and compassionate staff can assist family caregivers in understanding the importance of nutrition, exercise, social ties, mental and spiritual health, and how all these things can contribute to wellbeing for individuals of all ages.